
Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

AlphaDate: September 26, 2023 Time: 1.00pm Venue: Richard Reynolds CentreAlpha Alpha has been changing people’s lives around the world and has had a powerful effect on the lives of some of our parishioners. We would love you to share this experience of encountering Jesus Christ and the Church in a dynamic way. Our next Alphas […]

Adult Formation

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Adult FormationDate: September 26th, 2023 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Venue: Blessed Sacrament ChurchAdult Formation Have you ever struggled to answer the question, Why are you a Catholic? Have you ever wondered why we believe what we believe? Have you ever asked, Why did I stop learning about my faith when I was a child? Our […]

Urifiki Coffee Morning

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Urifiki Coffee MorningDate: September 30, 2023 Time: 10.00am Venue: Richard Reynolds CentreUrifiki Coffee Morning Come along and be updated on what is happening with the projects in Yala, Kenya at a coffee morning on Saturday 30 September in the St Richard Reynolds Centre from 10.00am till 12.30pm. There will be lots of cakes and a […]

Live Simply Sewing Group

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Live Simply Sewing GroupDate: October 2, 2023 Time: 3.00pm Venue: Richard Reynolds CentreLive Simply Sewing GroupCome and join this very friendly productive group making lots of items for our Cafod Autumn Fair.

GIFT Session

St Nicholas Catholic Primary School Ringswell Avenue, Exeter, United Kingdom

GIFT Session Date: October 7th, 2023 Time: 10.00 am Venue: St Nicholas Primary SchoolGIFT Session Join us for our GIFT Sessions. We offer engaging, spirit-filled and fun courses for all the family. For more details please click here.

Live Simply Sewing Group

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Live Simply Sewing GroupDate: October 9, 2023 Time: 3.00pm Venue: Richard Reynolds CentreLive Simply Sewing GroupCome and join this very friendly productive group making lots of items for our Cafod Autumn Fair.

Adult Formation

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Adult FormationDate: October 10th, 2023 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Venue: Blessed Sacrament ChurchAdult Formation Have you ever struggled to answer the question, Why are you a Catholic? Have you ever wondered why we believe what we believe? Have you ever asked, Why did I stop learning about my faith when I was a child? Our […]

Adoration and Taize Prayer

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Adoration and Taize PrayerDate: October 12th, 2023 Time: 7:00pm Venue: Blessed Sacrament ChurchAdoration and Taize PrayerCome and join the Lord in this time of prayer. The Almighty has done great things for me, holy is his name." - Magnificat antiphon Evening Prayer.

Exeter Deanery Music and Liturgy Day

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Exeter Deanery Music and Liturgy DayDate: October 14th, 2023 Time: 10.15 am Venue: Blessed Sacrament ChurchExeter Deanery Music and Liturgy DayWe are privileged to welcome Jo Boyce and her friends for a day of uplifting teaching, music and worship. Jo will be helping us to understand how music can be used to enhance liturgy buy […]

Baptism Session

Baptism Session Date: October 14th, 2023 Time: 10.15 - 12.15 Venue: Online Baptism Session Join us for our Baptism Sessions. We offer courses four times a year and each course consists of two Zoom sessions. For more details please click here.

Live Simply Sewing Group

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Live Simply Sewing GroupDate: October 16, 2023 Time: 3.00pm Venue: Richard Reynolds CentreLive Simply Sewing GroupCome and join this very friendly productive group making lots of items for our Cafod Autumn Fair.

Stronghold Praise and Worship

Blessed Sacrament Church 29 Fore Street, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom

Stronghold Praise and WorshipDate: October 19th, 2023 Time: 7:00pm Venue: Blessed Sacrament ChurchStronghold Praise and WorshipCome and join us in celebrating the Lord and all he does for us with music and praise in a fantastic atmosphere of love and worship.